Common fox spider (Alopecosa pulverulenta)
Web: wolf spiders don’t make a catching web, but are active hunters that use their legs and jaws to immobilize prey.
Habitat: Occurs in open habitas such as gardens, grassland clearings in woodland,… . Can be frequent.
How to recognize:
Looks similar to:
♀: 5-8 mm
♂: 6,5-11 mm
♀: April till July
♂: April till July
Ground wolf spider (Trochosa terricola)
Web: Wolf spiders don’t make a catching web, but are active hunters that use their legs and jaws to immobilize prey. The Ground wolf spider hunts predominantly during the night.
Habitat: underneath rocks, litter, moss, in humid areas.
How to recognize:
Looks similar to:
♀: 7-14 mm
♂: 7-9 mm
♀: throughout the year
♂: throughout the year
Pirate otter spider (Pirata piraticus)
Web: wolf spiders don’t make a catching web, but are active hunters that use their legs and jaws to immobilize prey.
Habitat: occur in water-rich habitats such as around stagnant water (ponds, small lakes) and slow-running water (streams,… ) or at least in a moist environment (eg wet meadows).
How to recognize:
Looks similar to:
♀: 4,5-9 mm
♂: 4-6,5 mm
♀: May till August/September
♂: May till August/September
Spotted wolf spider (Pardosa amentata)
Web: wolf spiders don’t make a catching web, but are active hunters that use their legs and jaws to immobilize prey. The Spotted wolf spider hunts predominantly during the day.
Habitat: occurs in open habitat such as parcs, gardens, fields,… Mostly in rather humid conditions. Can be very frequent.
How to recognize:
Looks similar to:
♀: 5,5-8 mm
♂: 5-6,5 mm
♀: April till July
♂: April till July